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lunes, 16 de junio de 2014

The anime gokukoku no brynhildr it going to have an OVA on september 24

The second volume of the anime Gokukoku Brynhildr currently being broadcast will include an OVA 11.5 as a chapter in the series. The OVA "Sawagi Kara" will be titled the Japanese title of the play "Much Ado About Nothing" by William Shakespeare. On the other hand, the first volume includes the sketch of the first chapter of the original manga (work of Lynn Okamoto), the form for entry of a special event, an exclusive booklet and a CD with music from the series: The first opening, "Brynhildr in the darkness- Four versions of the ending, "Ichiban Hoshi" by the voice actors. Thirteen instrumental songs not included on the soundtrack. Two tracks with Neko humming (as in the second and tenth chapters). Four tracks of drama among the seiyuus. The first DVD / Blu-ray will be released on July 30, while the second will on 24 September.