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jueves, 19 de junio de 2014
new movie of yugioh
In before months witnessed the return of 'Dragon Ball Z' to theaters and, shortly, we will repeat the experience with ' Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary', which already owns a trailer in Spanish. But in addition to these, there would be another anime that very soon we could see on the big screen."It is of ' Yu-Gi-Oh!', on the website of this animated series, which is about a popular card game with supernatural creatures, reported that there is a new film on road."We are delighted to bring to the characters of Yu-Gi-Oh! back to screens cinema for their fans", said Kristen Gray, representative of the 4 K Media producer, is in charge of this film project.The series is in the fourteenth consecutive year of issuance in Japan, United States and other countries. Thus, it becomes another anime that are renewed and enter through the front door.Apart from ' Yu-Gi-Oh!', 'Saint Seiya' and 'Dragon Ball Z', another anime that was adapted to the new times is 'Sailor Moon', the remake is already under way and already owns a trailer. In addition, some now speak of a live action.