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domingo, 15 de junio de 2014
Mushishi : zoku-shou continue in production
Mushishi anime: Zoku-Shou continue in production with its sequel As announced by the official website of Mushishi: Zoku-Shou, the "first part" of this second season of the anime Mushishi end with its tenth chapter, which opens on television on June 20 next week. Thus, we know that most anime Mushishi soon and as confirmation of this, the official website indicates that the third volume on DVD and Blu-ray series, on sale in Japan on November 26 this year, will include episodes 11 and 12 of the draft. For now, do not know if the second part of Mushishi: Zoku-Shou will be issued without stoppages or the anime will have a short break before starting this new batch of episodes.