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martes, 17 de junio de 2014

Announced a third season for the anime High School DxD

From Fujimi Shobo has announced that the series of novels High School DxD of Ichiei Ishibumi again be adapted to anime with a third season. They give you more details in the near future. 
The first season of the series premiered in January 2012 and featured 12 episodes. After two OVAs (one in September 2012 and again in May 2013), the second season was beginning in July 2013, which had 12 more episodes. The second season adapted the third and fourth volume of the original novels. 
The story is starring Issei Hyodo, a young high school sophomore quite perverted and useless to be killed on their first date in life. Issei is reincarnated as a devil, and from that time will have to be Riasu server, a high-ranking demon who happens to be the prettiest girl in the whole school of Issei